We did go to a camping event last weekend, which was fun in spite of the weather (88 and humid Saturday; 62 and rainy on Sunday), and also I discovered a new sewing failure mode! To wit: that there pink linen dress I have mentioned before? So I machine-sewed all the seams, fine; but the thread I used on the bobbin was one of the many "cleaned out grandma's attic" spools I have been regifted unto. And, that thread started failing in a number of spots (even ones not under pressure, interestingly). Thus, I started popping seam leaks all over myself. The takeaway is, if you have thread older than you are, only use it for basting purposes.
Well, I was going to redo a bunch of the seams anyways.
This weekend I am working in concert with some friends, and although I have not achieved a number of the tasks I hoped to[1], I've fixed the front waistline of the lavender kirtle I cut out last year, and I've cut out the panel to add to my blue silk dress & opened the center back seam to receive it. (I cannot tell you how painful it was to cut open that seam.) I also re-gifted a dress I made for myself years ago that I am too much of an absolute unit for, and the pieces of a dress cut out to the exact same measure, which happen to fit one of the crew nearly as if it were made for her. Boo for the fact that I loved both of those fabrics and wanted them for me, but very much yay that it's not going to waste.
I may also have bought 25 yards of wool off a friend who's clearing out stock. YES I KNOW BUT I HAVE PURPOSES FOR ALL OF IT. There's some madder-red-orange twill that will be hose for both of us; a hard-wearing dark green that will be hoods for both of us (and his will be trimmed with a strip of that madder stuff); a brighter kelly-green that will make a tunic (or maybe a cote) for him and a dress for me; some exquisite drapey white herringbone to make an under-dress for me; and a very light, creamy tabby-woven that I've got too many visions to decide on.
Also it is possible that we volunteered to make the new Prince some tunics for Pennsic. But we have a cunning plan for mass-production; and if I stir my stumps, I can slide in a few for my dashing consort into the production line. EFFICIENCY!~
Things not accomplished: getting hose fitted for him and for me; working on the shirt I cut out for him; figuring out what exactly I did wrong on the linen trousers I made for him last year to make them split up the rear exit. (Because I don't want to cut out braies for him, either, until I understand how butts work.)
[1] and don't tell me about how much of today there is, because I have to leave to drive to a wedding in three hours
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