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I haven't done much in the past month: combination of Pennsic burnout, work fried-ness, getting sick, and overwhelming list of Other Stuff to Address. (Not least of which is going to three events in three weekends; yeargh.) I've finished some mending, I've gotten a little further with the $*@& padstitching for the kirtle in progress, I've luceted some points for my consort's linen suit (which I'm not terribly happy with and I think I will fingerloop the next batch; but they'll keep his pants up), and in about two hours I'll be going to Fort Tryon Park and, in partnership with another lady, teaching fingerloop braiding to an unknown but potentially vast number of civilians.
Much of the recent energy expenditure has been on prep work for leading a pilgrimage to see All The Medieval Embroideries Ever. I hope to have much to report upon my return, though I expect that (as with most museum special exhibitions) cameras won't be allowed, so don't get your hopes too high. They better have a bitchin' exhibition catalogue, that's all I have to say.
I did have some lovely conversation last weekend with the doyen of early modern men's clothing, which has helped me understand a bunch of things that were whirling in my tiny skull, and when I finally clear the decks to make my consort's next suit I think it'll be ever so much better as a result.
Next weekend shall be a long schlep but of much rejoicing; our dear friend and colleague will be holding a panel for Expert guild ranking in couching & laidwork. If you think of this a dissertation defense, you would not be wholly wrong; so we are rallying around to provide support and also snacks.
I'm looking forward to October. Nothing on the calendar (...yet...), work should be calmed down; I have high hopes of actually getting some projects seriously advanced.